Thomson-Shore Customer Service Guideline:


ISBN NUMBER (International Standard Book Number)

A worldwide indentification system which has been in use since the late 60's. There is a different ISBN number for each edition and binding for each book.

Meaning of numbers: ex. 0-915516-21-7

0-Book originated in English speaking country
915516- Identifies publisher
21- Indentifies particular title and edition (hard or soft cover) of book.
7- Check digit. Mathematical function to check accuracy of other digits.

Obtaining ISBN Number: Call or write RR Bowker Co., 121 Chanlon Road, New Providence, NJ 07974. Phone 908-464-6800 or 800-521-8110 x6770. Fax 908-665-3502. Request an ISBN application. Complete the form and return to the ISBN Agency with processing fee (appx. $200, subject to change). Allow 20 days processing time. You may request 72 hour turnaround for an additional charge. Publisher should start this process before publication is sent to the printer. ISBN Agency will issue you 10 ISBN numbers (more if requested). Select one for use on your current project and reserve the balance for future projects.

Location of ISBN on publication: ISBN number should be printed on the copyright page and the lower right hand corner of the outside back cover and back jacket (if the book has one), above or below the Bar Code. Dust Jackets should carry the ISBN on the upper edge of the left hand jacket flap.

(International Standard Serial Number)
(For serial publications, magazines, directories: Serials are print or non-print publications issued in parts, usually bearing issue numbers and/or dates. A serial is expected to continue indefinitely. Serials include magazines, newspapers, annuals (such as reports, yearbooks, and directories), journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions of societies, and monographic series.

An ISSN is eight digits long. Always displayed this way: ISSN 1234-5679, the first seven digits serve as the title number and the eighth is a check digit which provides an efficient means for discovering transcription errors. The system used for calculating the check digit sometimes requires a check number of 10, in which case, to prevent a nine-digit ISSN, the roman numeral "X" is substituted.

For each serial with an ISSN there is a corresponding "key title"--a commonly acceptable form of the title established at the time of ISSN assignment. The title provides a benchmark which serves to regulate the assignment of ISSN: if the title of a serial changes, a new ISSN must be assigned.

Administration of ISSN

The coordination of the ISSN is international, with registration initiated at the national level where serials are published. The National Serials Data Program (NSDP) within the Library of Congress is the U.S. Center of the ISSN Network. The ISSN International Centre located in Paris coordinates the network. NSDP is responsible for registering and providing ISSN for serials published in the United States and for promoting use of the ISSN.

Advantages of Use

The ISSN should be as basic a part of a serial as the title. The advantages of using it are abundant and the more the number is used the more benefits will accrue.

1. ISSN provides a useful and economical method of communication between publishers and suppliers, making trade distribution systems faster and more efficient.

2. The ISSN results in accurate citing of serials by scholars, researchers, abstracters, and librarians.

3. As a standard numeric identification code, the ISSN is eminently suitable for computer use in fulfilling the need for file update and linkage, retrieval, and transmittal of data.

4. ISSN is used in libraries for identifying titles, ordering and checking in, and claiming serials.

5. ISSN simplifies interlibrary loan systems and union catalog reporting and listing.

6. The U.S. Postal Service uses the ISSN to regulate certain publications mailed at second-class and controlled circulation rates.

7. The ISSN is an integral component of the journal article citation used to monitor payments to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc.

8. All ISSN registrations are maintained in an international data base and are made available in the ISDS Register, a microfiche publication which is scheduled to cease in the near future, or in "ISSN Compact," a CD-ROM.

Call Library of Congress for National Serials Data Program 202-707-6452


The Library of Congress Catalog Number is essential for publishers if they sell to the library market. Write to the Library of Congress, CIP Division, Washington, DC 20540 or phone 202-707-9792 and request form #607-7 Application for Preassigned Card Number. Return the completed form to the CIP Division and they will respond usually within 2 weeks with your LC number. They will include a postage free, self addressed label to send a copy of the finished publication to the LCCN office. The publication will not be returned. LC number should be requested at the same time as the ISBN number.

CIP DATA BLOCK (Catalog In Publication Data Block)

Every book with a library market should have a Library of Congress CIP Data Block on its copyright page. Publishers can create their own CIP Data Block with the help of a local librarian. The following information will have to be taken to the library in order for the librarian to help: 1. Manuscript 2. Author's name and birthdate 3. Title of book 4. The Library of Congress Card Number (publisher provides) 5. The ISBN Number 6. LC subject headings (ask librarian for help) 7. LC classification number (ask for help) 8. Dewey Decimal Classification Number (ask for help). Your data block will be listed as Publisher's Cataloging in Publication Data, not Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data.

CIP Data Block information should be included on the title page.


Contact the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20559. Phone 202-707-9100. Ask for Form TX (application for copyright of books). Complete the form and return with $20 check (subject to change) made payable to Register of Copyrights along with two copies of finished publication (no galleys) to the Copyright Office within two weeks of receiving books from printer.


Every book sold in chain bookstores should have an EAN Bar Code printed on the lower right corner of the back corner. To obtain a Bar Code, you must know your ISBN Number and suggested retail price. We refer clients to Bar Code Graphics, 875 N. Michigan Ave. #2640, Chicago, IL 60611. Phone 312-664-0700 or 800-662-0701 fax 312-664-4939. The cost Is $12 (subject to change). You will receive a negative usually within a week. The Bar Code negative should be given to your cover artist to be incorporated into the back cover of the book.

Disclaimer: Thomson-Shore is in no way affiliated and receive no compensation, in any form, from the companies listed above.

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