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These links are not in order of any preference. - We are a well-baby clinic for new book projects, helping authors with editorial, production and marketing for trade titles. We have over 500 satisfied customers, several of whom have used Thomson-Shore as a printer and binder, with excellent results.

  revolutionizes the way people conduct research and acquire information on the web by combining a powerful discovery engine, full-text viewing, and state-of-the-art reference tools with an extensive collection of books, periodicals, maps, and archival works.

Watson Publishing International - Publishing and distribution solutions for traditional media and New Media through strategic alliances.

Chicago Book Clinic - The Chicago BookClinic encourages excellence in publishing by providing a platform for the educational, social and professional interaction of our members.

Book Binders' Guild - The Bookbinders' Guild of New York is a non-profit organization comprised of professionals from all aspects of the graphic arts.

Publishers Marketing Association Online - Welcome to the largest non-profit trade association representing independent publishers of books, audio, video and CDs.

Books A to Z - World Wide Web Publishing Resources

Small Publishers Association of North America - SPAN is your one-stop online resource for publishing profits and book marketing know-how.

AAUP - The Association of American University Presses

The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) is the voice of Canadian book publishing, representing over 125 Canadian-owned book publishers, with members from all provinces and territories, and members from the literary, general trade, education and scholarly sectors.

Evangelical Christian Publishers Association - (ECPA) If it happens in Christian publishing, you'll find it here.

Software Publishers Association - The leading association for the software industry.

Magic Dealers Association, Inc

The University of Akron Press Welcome to The University of Akron Press on the Web. You can order many fine books here including books printed by Thomson-Shore -

Bay Area Independent Publisher's Association (formerly MSPA) is an educational institution dedicated to elevating the art of the independent author-publisher. Membership consists of creative people who, under their press or business names, are involved in various aspects of publishing.

Graphic Arts Technical Foundation - (GATF) . . Your source for information, services, and training related to printing, electronic prepress, electronic publishing, and other areas of the graphic arts industry AND The National Scholarship Trust Fund (NSTF). . . Your source for scholarships and fellowships for high school and college students interested in pursuing careers in graphic communications.

Bookbuilders of Boston - We are a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together people involved in book publishing and manufacturing throughout New England.

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